Daily UX Writing Challenge
Category: UI/UX Design, Advertising
Duration: 15 days
Tools: Figma
I took part in a Daily UX Writing Challenge with a goal to take on UX writing and learn a thing or two on the way!
After signing up, I got a daily prompt in my email for 15 days (14 days + 1 day for bonus challenge) with a situation and requirements (character limit) for each solution. The challenge itself is coming up with only UX copy, however, I went ahead and created user interface designs to see the solution visually and in detail.
Click on the image (tap on image-on phone) to zoom in.

Key takeaways from Daily UX Writing Challenge
Lessons below apply to specific challenges, and may not apply to some depending on the context of the challenges.
Time management: Without the time constraint on the challenges (day), I would have spent time excessively when the main component was finished few hours ago. It was a great reminder to keep me focused on including only the essentials.
Minimalism: Sacrificing details, including only what’s the most important.
Being direct: Excluding humour and focusing on delivering only the crucial information.
Not a robot: Adding personality to the messages, friendliness, and words of caring can attract users.
Consistency is key: Keeping different screens on the brand by colour, text style improves legibility, trust among users.
Do research: Coming up with solutions took some sort of research for myself, from research, I was able to know key components, features in each screen from different industries today.