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Reposition Dollarama

Category: Advertising, UI/UX Design

For: Humber College

Group Members: Daniel Min, Eden Bingioba

Challenge: Reposition a Canadian Brand that is known to be struggling.

Audiences have an initial thought (prejudice) of Dollarama having low-quality products, and knock-off products which have constantly lowered their brand image. The current target market of Dollarama is everyone who needs to bring something back home, generally 23-40 year old females with young children, shopper of household who appreciate good prices. We want to work on changing this “perceived thought” of some people by justifying quality doesn’t define happiness, and move towards them emotionally. We want to portray everyone purchasing goods in Dollarama has a unique experience of happiness that differs from everyone. (kids happy with a small toy figurine, to a elderly happy buying a picture frame which will hold his grandchild’s photo.) Dollarama products may lack in quality but it still delivers the emotion of happiness to them.

Dollarama Lollipop Poster Ad
Dollarama Renovation Poster Ad
Dollama Memories Poster Ad
Dollarama Ad In Mall

The OOH poster will be placed inside local malls (malls with Dollarama in them), bus shelters (preferably nearby a Dollarama Store), these locations are high foot-traffic area of our Target market. The OOH poster with Paint Roller can be placed in these locations but can also be placed on buildings, playing also the role of an ambient ad as it is placed on somewhere that can or was “renovated”. This specific, creative execution on a unique placement will bring more attention. All of the 3 posters will have an indicator top-right corner of showing the distance to the nearest Dollarama store, the feature will alert the audience and may persuade them to visit the store. (This may soften the problem of many brick and mortar stores losing foot traffic due to increase in trend of online shopping). This also means that these posters must be carefully placed according to their distance values (50m, 75m, 85m) to prevent any confusions. 

Dollarama Ad On Building
Dollarama Ad On Bus Shelter

The Print Ads (Same creatives as the OOH posters but in different size) will be placed in Canadian magazines circulating in Canada, more specifically Maclean’s, NOW, Toronto Life. These magazines are well-known among Canadians and is in top 10 by circulation count. This traditional way of advertisement will reach niche audiences, they are known to be alternative magazine that covers news, cultures, arts and entertainment. Unlike niche magazines such as Sports Illustrated (male-oriented), Vogue (female-oriented). All these magazines aren’t specific toward one gender and covers general audiences (demographics, culture) which this campaign aims to promote.

Dollarama Ad In Magazine

We are certain this campaign will be successful helping to solve Dollarama’s problem of having the negative image to audience as providing low-quality products, and knock-off products. To turn this around, we have decided to persuade the concept that Happiness can vary from people to people, and low quality does not necessarily mean you can’t be satisfied or happy with the purchase. In our creatives (OOH ads, Print ad), we have followed a fill-in-the-blank approach, we created a template (backdrop) with fixed part of tagline that recurs in all 3 ads. (Happiness is...), a blank space (portrayed by underline) be filled with the person’s factor of happiness (using Lollipop example, the “person” is 11 year old boy named Christopher and his happiness is Lollipop from Dollarama).  We have used a neutral sans-serif font Poppins for all the recurring information (Tagline, Call-to-Action) to portray template’s consistency. The blank space was filled by “Christopher’s” very own handwriting and his age and name was also present using same font. The personification creates a caring, warm personality of Dollarama and conveys each product is “matching” the person.

Dollarama TV Ad Storyboard Part 1
Dollarama TV Ad Storyboard Part 2
Dollarama TV Ad Storyboard Part 3
Dollarama Rebrand Creative Brief
Dollarama Website Rebrand Title Page
Dollarama Website Rebrand Key Insights
Dollarama Website Rebrand Strategy
Dollarama Website Rebrand Final-03.jpg
Dollarama Website Rebrand Features
Dollarama Website Rebrand Features
Dollarama Website Rebrand Mobile Rationale
Dollarama Website Rebrand Mobile Version

© 2025 Daniel Min

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